
File Juggler 3.1.3

August 03, 2024


  • Fixes a problem that could cause FJ to crash at startup, when purging log info

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File Juggler 3.1.2

February 05, 2024


  • Fixes problem reading Word documents and Excel files
  • Fixes problem with "Add to zip"
  • Fixes problem that could cause FJ to react delayed to file, when "file created older than X" is used
  • A few additional fixes and improvements

Other changes

  • Added Uninstall Survey

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File Juggler 3.1

January 15, 2024

Added "add to zip" action. This action lets you archive files in zip files. It works essentially just like the "copy" action: You can specify the name of the zip file, and you files will be added to the zip file.

  • Add to zip has two options: "maintain subfolder structure" and "If file exists". These work like the same options for the copy command, so you can check the documentation for copy.
  • You can use variables to name the zip file, and if the file does not exist, it will be created.
  • You could use the variable "file name without extension" for the zip file name, if you want to zip just one file. Or you could use a name like "invoices" and add many files to the same zipfiler, similar to a folder.


  • Add to zip action


  • Solves a problem where File Juggler would reuse variables from other files
  • Occurrance setting in dictionary variables fixed

Other changes

  • Updated PDF library for support for newer PDF files
  • Updated compression library for better support for newer compressed files, particularly RAR archives
  • Better handling of RAR archives in multiple parts

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File Juggler 3.0.12

October 30, 2023


  • Solves bug that could cause rules to wait for other rules
  • Solves a problem that would cause FJ not to process files again if they were modified

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File Juggler 3.0.11 beta


October 26, 2023


  • Solves bug that could cause rules to wait for other rules
  • Solves a problem that could cause FJ to consider files processed after they were modified

Download File Juggler 3.0.11 beta

File Juggler 3.0.9

October 23, 2023

Several small fixes

Improvement to the info FJ shows about the current state of files in log and rule view.

Download File Juggler 3.0.9

File Juggler 3.0.8

October 02, 2023


  • Monitor folders has a switch between "Monitor" and "Examine regularly" to make the difference clear


  • Solves a problem that could cause files to stay "pending" too long
  • Solves a problem that could cause "include subfolders" not to work in some cases
  • Solves a problem that could cause regular interval checks to skip

Other changes

  • File list in rule view updates instantly
  • Log lines are added instantly
  • Updated icon

Download File Juggler 3.0.8

Was it to soon?

September 06, 2023

In the beginning of august we launched File Juggler version 3. Simon had been working on it on and off for over 3 years and was finally at a point where all the things he had planned was ready.


So, we launched it.

And a steady stream of emails describing bugs, crashes, issues, and problems started.

Now a month and 5 updates later it seems like we have it under control and the major issues is solved.

Thank you for your patience and support to all of you who wrote and told us about the issues you were having.


Could we have tested it more before we launched it? - Yes.

Would it have meant that version 3 would still be gathering digital dust? - almost certainly yes.


By launching we committed to getting it done. So even though it wasn't the prettiest process we are glad we did it.


Version 3 has some clear advantages to version 2 and now it is finally out there Juggling Files.


File Juggler 3.0.5

August 31, 2023


  • Optimizations for faster execution of rules


  • Solves a problem with interval check, mostly used when monitoring network locations
  • Solves a bug with importing rules and data from File Juggler 2
  • Several speed optimizations and crash fixes

Download File Juggler 3.0.5

File Juggler 3.0.3

August 24, 2023

Adds an option to delete log after a number of days. This ensures that the log file doesn't grow too large.

You can find the delete options in the settings menu (the small cog) under "Log Settings...".


  • A few bugfixes

Download File Juggler 3.0.3

File Juggler 3.0.2

August 21, 2023

This version fixes bugs in File Juggler 3.0 and 3.0.1.


  • Fixed bug that caused backslashes to be removed from file paths in move and copy actions
  • Fixed evernote upload
  • Fixed bug that caused info about new version not to be displayed

Download File Juggler 3.0.2

File Juggler 3.0.1

August 18, 2023

This version fixes various bugs and crashes in File Juggler 3.0

Thanks to everyone reporting and helping us with problems and bugs in the new release.


  • Bug that caused date variables to return 01-01-0001
  • Delete rules from rule groups now works
  • Fixes crash that could occur on first run after rules were imported from v2
  • Fixes crash that could occur when modifying a running rule
  • And several other crashes reported via the crash reporting tool in FJ

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File Juggler 3.0

August 04, 2023

This update of File Juggler makes it easer to understand and manage your rules. File Juggler will now tell you what it's working on when it's juggling files, and the new log makes it easier to go back in time and see what File Juggler has changed and find errors and troubleshoot your setup.

File Juggler will now always process rules in the order they are listed in the interface. This makes it better for sets of rules that work together. For example, you could create a rule that moves all word files from a folder, and a second rule that moves all files from same folder. In File Juggler 3 you can be certain that the first rule has run before the second rule runs. In other words the first rule will always move the word files before the second rule runs.

Upgrading from version 2: On first run, FJ3 will copy your rules from FJ2, but the two versions are otherwise seperate. Configuration changes in one version will not affect the other, and you can install and uninstall them seperately. Make sure you disable FJ2 when you install FJ3, so that you don't have the same rules running twice.


  • Statusbar that shows what File Juggler is working on
  • Rule Groups: Organize your rules and start/stop them all with one click.
  • Searchable log
  • Ordered processing of rules
  • Some extra improvements of the interface here and there

Download File Juggler 3.0

Astrid is joining the File Juggler Family

May 10, 2023

File Juggler has been Simons side project for 10 years and for the same period Astrid has been hearing about it over the dinner table. (Some time with the blank stare of an art historian listening to the technical talk from a programmer).

As Simons work schedules as a freelance programmer has increased along with our son’s soccer practice and boy scout meetings, the time spend on File Juggler dropped away.

It came to the point of letting go and closing the program or freeing up some of Simon’s time. We decided to do the latter.

So, Astrid is now part of File Juggler and in charge of emails and communication. This gives Simon more time for what he does best – building good software.

As an art historian turned gardener, don’t expect answers to technical problems from Astrid, but lost registration keys, order problems and refund requests, Astrid will answer with a smile (and maybe some funky spelling, being dyslectic and not writing in her own language).


We are looking forward to 10 more year with File Juggler – now as a team as well as husband and wife.

File Juggler 2.0.22

November 25, 2020


  • Added folder name variable


  • Fixed bug that would cause rules to duplicate in list when drag-drop reordering

Download File Juggler 2.0.22

About Windows Defender warnings with the latest release

September 01, 2020

In the latest release you might get a warning from Windows Defender that it "prevented an unrecognized app from starting".

If you do, click the "more info" link to continue. There is no security risk involved with installing File Juggler.

Why does this happen?

File juggler is digitally signed. This is to make sure that File Juggler comes from me / my company (bitvaerk), and not from someone else. To sign File Juggler i need a digital certificate that can only be purchased after a check that I am who I say I am.

For this release i've signed the application with a new certificate, as these need to be updated every few years. This causes Defender to mark the program as "unrecognized" because the certificate is new and defender hasn't seen it before. The certificate now needs to "gain reputation": each time someone download and installs the program it gains positive reputation and in time the warning will dissapear. I think this should happen in maybe a month.

Read more about this process here on microsoft's site:
Microsoft SmartScreen & Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing Certificates

My opinion on this subject is summed up very well (and more politely than I would have managed) by the Wikipedia page on smartscreen:

"Another criticism is that SmartScreen makes non-commercial/small end software development unaffordable. Developers either have to purchase standard code signing certificates or more expensive extended validation certificates. Extended validation certificates allow the developer to immediately establish reputation with SmartScreen but are often unaffordable for people developing software either for free or not for immediate profit. The standard code signing certicates however pose a "catch-22" for developers, since SmartScreen warnings make people reluctant to download software, as a consequence to get downloads requires first passing Smartscreen, passing SmartScreen requires getting reputation and getting reputation is dependent on downloads."

Wikipedia - SmartScreen Critisism

Developer of File Juggler

File Juggler 2.0.21


September 01, 2020


  • Adds an option to select date input format, when getting dates from document contents

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File Juggler 2.0.20

August 25, 2020


  • Solves a problem where newly created variables' settings could overwrite each other
  • Fixes a few minor problems with the Directory Select box when using variables
  • Updated code signing certificate

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File Juggler 2.0.18

August 16, 2020


  • Import and export of configuration


  • Fixed a problem with rules incorrectly showing files as "Pending"
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when editing existing variables

Download File Juggler 2.0.18

File Juggler 2.0.16

April 09, 2019

This version improves stability when monitoring network locations. If a network connection is lost and connected again, File Juggler will continue monitoring more consistently.

This update also have a few minor adjustments and bugfixes.

Download File Juggler 2.0.16

Whats going on?

April 08, 2019

It's been slow with updates for version 2 the latest year or so. This is partly because i've been working more in my dayjob, and have had less time for File Juggler, and partly because I've been working on some bigger changes that I haven't published and will probably be a version 3.

The keywords for this next update is consistency and communication. I don't plan to really add any new features, but instead to improve on the core functionality. This means:

  • Better status, to make it clearer what File Juggler is doing right now.
  • Better logging, so that it's easier to trouble-shot if something goes unexpected.
  • Ordered execution of rules. At the moment rules run seperately without considering each other, but in this next version rules will run in order, and you can be certain that rule 1 has executed successfully before rule 2 is executed. This makes it better suited for creating sets of rules that acomplish complicated workflows together.

I think this update will make File Juggler easier to work with, easier to understand and better suited for all kinds of professional use.

If work keeps progressing at the steady pace it is right now, I'll be able to release a beta in the fall.


File Juggler 2.0.15

May 31, 2018


  • Fixes a problem with the digital signature in the installer

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File Juggler 2.0.14

April 14, 2018


  • Configuration saves properly when changing order and enabled status of rules.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause content from PDF files to have spaces between characters

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File Juggler 2.0.13

April 07, 2018


  • Fixed a problem where the year in date variables would be "YYYY" instead of the actual year
  • Fixed a bug that would cause FJ to crash when editing variable when it was opened from a condition.

Other changes

  • PDF content reading handles non-linear text layout better (columns, boxes etc.)
  • Added "line" in pattern variable
  • Changes to accept of error reports and anonymous usage statistics.
  • Configuration saves properly when changing order and enabled status of rules.
  • Fixes a problem that would prevent File Juggler 1 and 2 from starting with windows together
  • "Run command" retries if command fails

Download File Juggler 2.0.13

File Juggler 2.0.11

January 30, 2018


  • When a variable name was changed from the variable select window, the change wasn't updated in tree before window was reopened
  • Crash when editing variable from the Select variable window
  • Adding a second copy action would clear the options set in the first
  • Save configuration error

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File Juggler 2.0.10

January 05, 2018


  • Fixes a problem that would leave "pending" lines in log, even though action was performed
  • Misc. minor fixes

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File Juggler 2.0.9


November 28, 2017

Solves a problem where "file contents does not contain..." condition would not work.

Solves a problem that would cause File Juggler to crash when editing a rule

Download File Juggler 2.0.9

File Juggler 2.0.7

November 12, 2017


  • Solves a problem that could cause File Juggler to crash on start. The installer would not upgrade the .NET framework as needed. This would cause File Juggler to crash when the required version of the .NET framework (version 4.6.2) was not installed.

Download File Juggler 2.0.7

File Juggler 2.0.5

October 17, 2017


  • A few minor fixes

Other changes

  • Case sensitivity is optional in Regular Expression variables

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File Juggler 2.0.4

October 10, 2017


  • A few minor bugs fixed

Other changes

  • Better support for high DPI displays
  • New interface icons

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File Juggler 2.0.3

September 29, 2017

File Juggler has better options for extracting and using contents in documents. Configurable variables gives you improved flexibility when creating rules.

Read more

Download File Juggler 2.0.3

Whats new in 2.0?

September 28, 2017

File Juggler 2.0 has better options for extracting and using contents in documents. Configurable variables gives you improved flexibility when creating rules.

Read more:

Should I upgrade from 1.3?

File Juggler 2.0 will not import your rules from version 1.3.x, so you will need to recreate rules manually. File Juggler 2.0 will install and run seperately from 1.3, so you will not lose any data when upgrading and you can switch back easily.

If you don't need any of the new features in 2.0, there's no problem in staying with 1.3.

You can run 1.3 and 2.0 at the same time, if you make sure they don't work in the same directory. This will of course use additional system resources.

A File Juggler license is valid for both versions, and you can use the same registration key.

File Juggler 1.3.21

February 25, 2017

Download File Juggler 1.3.21

File Juggler 1.3.20

November 01, 2016


  • Solves a problem where evaluation of folders wouldn't complete

Download File Juggler 1.3.20

File Juggler 1.3.18

September 16, 2016


  • Removes a selftest feature intended for the beta only

Download File Juggler 1.3.18

File Juggler 1.3.17

August 02, 2016


  • Better support for network drives and removable disks. If the folder File Juggler is watching doesn't exist, it will wait for it.


  • Solves a problem where monitoring would stop working, and rules needed to be restarted.

Download File Juggler 1.3.17

File Juggler 1.3.16

April 04, 2016


  • Fixes an error that would cause File Juggler to crash.

Download File Juggler 1.3.16

File Juggler 1.3.15

March 22, 2016


  • Improved reporting of errors and minor problems

Download File Juggler 1.3.15

File Juggler 1.3.14

March 15, 2016


  • The Context menu has been removed

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File Juggler 1.3.13

January 23, 2016


  • Nicer layout on Windows 10
  • Shows progress in log when examining large folders
  • Added more audio variables


  • File contents "does not contain" works
  • Better reporting of crashes

Download File Juggler 1.3.13

File Juggler 1.3.11

July 06, 2015


  • Evernote authorisation wasn't saved when restarting File Juggler

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File Juggler 1.3.10

May 21, 2015

A minor release, that solves a few bugs.


  • Solves problem where configuration file could be placed in wrong location.
  • Crash when using the browse button for selecting directories in some cases
  • Pdf files are uploaded correctly to evernote

Download File Juggler 1.3.10

File Juggler 1.39

September 10, 2014


  • Solves a problem where save file would be destroyed in some cases.

Download File Juggler 1.39

File Juggler 1.37

August 30, 2014

A few minor bugfixes and potential crashes fixed

File Juggler 1.36

August 11, 2014

  • A few bugfixes
  • Improvement to date search in "file contents"

File Juggler 1.35

August 09, 2014


  • Extract dates from pdf, word or text documents, and use them to rename, move or copy files


  • Fixed a problem where FJ could miss files, if they could not be read when evaluating them.
  • Fixed a problem where deleted rules would not be stopped.

File Juggler 1.34

June 14, 2014


  • Fixed a few potential crashes
  • Rules wouldn't update properly when editing, until FJ was restared
  • FJ could skip one or more files, when running a rule from the context menu.
  • The same file would be re-evaluated several times. This was especially a problem for "File Contains", because that evaluation can use a lot of resources for big files.

Other changes

  • Move and copy has options to either rename, skip or overwrite, if the target file already exists.
  • If audio file doesn't contain tags, it uses "unknown artist" etc. instead of skipping file.

File Juggler 1.32

November 02, 2013

File Juggler 1.32 contains several bugfixes and improved stability. No new features, but I recommend upgrading, especially if you use "If file contains" with pdf files.

File Juggler 1.31

September 06, 2013


  • Problem that can cause FJ to crash when editing rules is fixed.
  • File Explorer context menu extension: A problem with re-registering the extension when upgrading FJ, causing the menu extension to dissappear, is fixed for future versions. The problem might persist when upgrading to this version, in that case install, reboot and re-install a second time, and the problem should be gone for good.
  • Several minor bugs and possible crashes are fixed.

Other changes

  • File contents condition: Much improved method of reading PDF files.
  • File created/modified/accessed condition can be less than something, and you can select minutes.
  • Variables for rename/move/copy added: Day, month and year for date variables and Longitude/latitude for gps data in image.
  • You can insert variables in target directory for the copy command.
  • Option to reset a rule, making it process same files a second time.

File Juggler 1.3

April 12, 2013


  • Upload to evernote
  • "If file contains" condition, that checks contents of pdf files, word .docx documents, and all types of text files.


  • Run Command works better, any command you can use in regular command prompt works now
  • Solved problem with FJ making the Win+X menu unusable
  • Several minor problems fixed

Other changes

  • Interface improvements, making rules easier to create and edit.

File Juggler 1.2

January 11, 2013


  • Create and use rules from context menu in file explorer
  • Run Command action to run batch files, console applications


  • Notifies you of updates
  • Updates to trial run, trial is no longer limited to 30 days

Other changes

  • Better handling of crash reports.
  • Fixed a possible crash when starting FJ

File Juggler 1.1

November 30, 2012


  • Can extract meta data from audio and image files, and use the to rename files or move to new folders
  • Can look up GPS data in image files, and rename files with location in name


  • Fixed a problem that could cause FJ to miss files in when monitoring sub folders.

File Juggler 1.0

October 01, 2012


  • Log view, that shows actions that are completed and queued.
  • File preview, that shows the files your rule will catch, as you add and change conditions.
  • Copy


  • Rules will remember which files it has processed, so copy and (other actions) won't run twice on the same file.

Other changes

  • Several tweaks "under the hood" to make action execute more smoothly.

File Juggler 0.6

August 01, 2012

Beta 0.6 is the second beta release of File Juggler


  • Get a notification when your rule runs
  • Check for file access date


  • FJ would occasionally miss changes in monitored folders.
  • FJ would occasionally execute same action twice on the same file, and produce an error message second time.

Other changes

  • Example rules, when FJ is started first time
  • Feedback window

File Juggler 0.5

July 01, 2012

First beta release of File Juggler