Technical questions

Frequently asked questions

File Juggler seems to use a lot of system resources?

How many system resources File Juggler uses depends very much on what your rules are doing and how many files they are watching.

For example reading content in files uses more resource than just examining file names and dates.

Another important thing: FJ will scan everything when a rule starts first time, because it cannot know what has happened when the rule wasn't running. This means there is an initial load of work when File Juggler starts and when you create or change a rule. Once the rule has examined everything, it will be notified of changes in your folders, and cpu/disk usage will drop

When File Juggler examines your folders, it runs in low priority, meaning that windows will prioritize other applications higher. So in practice you shouldn’t really feel File Juggler working, when you use the computer.

From version 1.3.14 the log writes when a rule is examining its folders, so it's easier to see what File Juggler is doing.

How often does File Juggler look for changes in a folder?

File Juggler subscribes to notifications about changes in folders. This means it reacts almost instantly.

It does not scan folders at regular intervals, except in situations where it cannot subscribe to these notifications, like network locations.

File Juggler can't find anything in my PDF files?

It might be that you need to run an OCR program in the files.

When you scan a document, the file that is created might be a pdf file with only an image of the document. File Juggler cannot search for text in a document like this. So solve this problem you need to run OCR on the document.

The OCR program will convert the scanned image into text so they are searchable for File Juggler and other programs.

Your scanning software might have an OCR feature you can use, if not you need an OCR program.

I found a comparison of 5 free ocr programs here: