
Conditions are used to specify which files a rule should process

File Juggler examines file and determines whether the file matches the conditions you have set up in the rule. If they do, the actions of the rule will be executed.

All of the following / Any of the following

All of the following condition

Any of the following condition

These two conditions contain a list of conditions that must be true for the rule to take action. The top condition in a rule must be one of these (or the All Files condition), and all other conditions you set up must be contained in these.

All of the following will be true if all conditions in the list are true, and false if at least a single condition is false. This is the same as putting "and" between each condition.

In the example here, the "All of the following" condition will only match a file called "manual.pdf"

Any of the following will be true if at least one condition in the list is true, and false if all conditions are false. This is the same as putting "or" between each condition.

In the example here the rule will match all files called "manual" (regardless of the extension) as well as all pdf files.

Note that you can nest these lists. A all/any of the following list can contain another all/any of the following, to make complex logical setups possible.

All files

Makes a rule execute on all files in the monitored folder(s).

You can only select this option at the top level, and when this condition is selected you cannot add any other conditions.

File name and path conditions

These conditions all examine parts of the files complete path

File Name

Examines the name of the file, without path and extension:

c:\important documents\letter.docx

File Extension

Examines the extension of the file:

c:\important documents\letter.docx

File Path

Examines the full path of the file:

c:\important documents\letter.docx

Folder path

Examines the path of the folder containing the file:

c:\important documents\letter.docx

This variable is useful if you need to exclude certain subfolders when using include subfolders. Create a folder path does not contain 'important documents' condition to skip any file in that folder and subfolders. Create a folder path is not 'c:\important documents\' condition to exclude exactly that folder, but not sub folders. See an example here.


File contents

Examines the contents of a file.

Take a look at the Text conditions article below for details about the options in this condition.

File Juggler reads content from Docx Word documents and Pdf files. All other files will be examined as text files.

File Juggler will only read text content from Pdf files that are scanned, if they are run through an OCR program. This will convert the images created by the scanning process to a pdf that contains searchable text.

Read more about OCR here.

Text conditions

All conditions that examine text have the same options.

Search type dropdown

This dropdown specifies how File Juggler should search in the text it is examining.

It contains the following options:

Is: An exact match. To match "a hard days night" you must type that sentence exactly.

Is not: "a hard days night" will match all text except exactly that sentence.

Contains: A partial match. If you type "night" you will match "a hard days night" and "nightmare on elm street".

Does not contain: "nightmare" will match anything except text that contains that word. Matches "a hard days night", but not "nightmare on elm street"

Is nothing: matches empty text.

The search is case-insentitive. So "A Hard Days Night" will match "a hard days NIGHT".

Search content dropdown

This dropdown selects the kind of content you want to look for.

You can select between text where you can type any text or any of the available variables.

If you select the variable types date, word in list, word in dictionary, regular expression or pattern you will create a new variable and be prompted to configure it.

If you select Other... you will get a list of existing variables you have created.

File size

File size condition

Examines the size of the file.

You can decide if the file should be smaller than or larger than a certain number of Bytes, Kb, Mb or Gb.

Not that File Juggler follows the 1024 progression for byte sizes: 1 Kb is 1024 bytes, 1 Mb is 1024 Kb, 1 Gb is 1024 Mb.

If you need to set both an upper and lower limit, you should create an All of the following list, and add both a Larger than and a Smaller than file size condition.

Date created and date modified

Date created and modified conditions

Examines the creation date and modification date of files.


Example: Simple condition

This rule will send files to the recycle bin, if they are created more than 3 weeks ago

Example: Two conditions

This rule has two conditions. Files are sent to recycle bin if 1) they are created more than 3 weeks ago, and 2) they are larger than 30 Mb.

Note that the two conditions are in a All of the following condition, so that both conditions must be true.

Example: Complex condition

This rule will send files to recycle bin if they are:

1) older than three weeks and larger than 30 MB

or if they are

2) older than one week and larger than 1G

So in practice 1Gb files are deleted after 1 week, 30 MB files are deleted after 3 weeks and smaller files are left.

Note the distinction between Any of the following and All of the following:

Any of the following is like a list of conditions with "or" between them, all the following is like a list of conditions with "and" between them.


Actions specify what you want your rule to do with the files

